Masterclass #2: Decoding Stress with Buddhism
As a follow-up to the personal development principles in Masterclass #1, here i explain the psychology of how our minds create stressful emotions, so that we can more easily overcome them through understanding.
Again, i use Buddhist principles as a foundation for the teachings, beginning with the 4 Noble Truths (cattāri ariya-saccāni) and focusing on the many details of the "5 Clinging- Aggregates" (pañca upādānakkhandhā). In brief, i explain how attachment works, and why it results in mental pain & discontent.
Also, you'll get 3 downloadable extras:
1. A PDF of the slideshow presentation
2. An article outlining the "principle of permanence", an approachable conversation about what Nirvana is.
3. An article explaining the importance of the "3 Characteristics" as a meditative tool for becoming free from stress.