Personal Development through Buddhist Philosophy

Personal Development through Buddhist Philosophy

Learn a systematized framework for Personal Development using age-old spiritual principles from Theravada Buddhism

This includes topics like:
Refining the feedback-loop of Attention, Perception, & Intention (Namarupa) to advance.
Implementing Skillfulness as a guiding principle to get better results.
Understanding how we create Unskillful actions through 3 subtle mental qualities.
Pursuing the goal of Self-Actualization as your target.
Practicing Appropriate Attention (Yoniso Manasikara) to generate joy & stave off negativity as we experience life's vicissitudes.

Also, you'll get 3 downloadable extras:
1. A PDF of the slideshow presentation
2. An article elaborating on "Inappropriate Attention" (the flipside of appropriate attention)
3. An article explaining principles of Critical Thinking as outlined by the Buddha

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Personal Development through Buddhist Philosophy